The Church of the Un-Churched

#32 – “Tribulation: Do Not Throw Away Your Confidence”

Episode Notes

Why should we not throw away our confidence? Why does it have great reward? In this life also, we are to die a conqueror rather than be taken prisoner. Prisoner?! How can we be taken prisoner if we fight a spiritual battle?! It is a fight we are ill prepared to fight. So why is it so important to die a conqueror rather than be taken prisoner? To get the answers to these questions, listen!

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Introduction ~ About Us, Who We Are: Episode 1

How-To Be Saved: Episode 2

“End Times” and “Benediction” A “Barking Squirrel Production” Copyright: 2018 ~ All Rights Reserved

Tribulation Summer Study: 2023-0801 Episode: 32 Copyright: 2023

TAGS: #Gospel #Christ #New-birth #Joy #Holiness

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#31 – “Tribulation: Our Present Sufferings”

Episode Notes

Notice also, when we who are saved in this life die, we go to heaven. Heaven is a place where neither wicked men nor devils can reach us. In heaven, our souls are freed from sin and unbelief, freed from doubts and fears, and freed from everything that is distressing.

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Introduction ~ About Us, Who We Are: Episode 1

How-To Be Saved: Episode 2

“End Times” and “Benediction” A “Barking Squirrel Production” Copyright: 2018 ~ All Rights Reserved

Tribulation Summer Study: 2023-0801 Episode: 31 Copyright: 2023

TAGS: #Gospel #Christ #New-birth #Joy #Holiness

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#30 – “Tribulation: Make War on the Evil One”

Episode Notes

Notice, “God is against the men of pride” or “God opposes the proud”. Either way you read that, it clearly is not a good place to be. However, our study verse tells us how to fix this.

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Introduction ~ About Us, Who We Are: Episode 1

How-To Be Saved: Episode 2

“End Times” and “Benediction” A “Barking Squirrel Production” Copyright: 2018 ~ All Rights Reserved

Tribulation Summer Study: 2023-0704 Episode: 30 Copyright: 2023

TAGS: #Gospel #Christ #New-birth #Joy #Holiness

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#29 – “Tribulation: The Goal of Your Faith ~ Part-3”

Episode Notes

Our sin is the largest impurity that we need to be purged of. It is not immediately removed from us as some, here in America, believe. Be sure though, scripture tells us that while not removed, it is forgiven, yesterday, today and tomorrow. Yes, we are fully forgiven of all our sin, past, present and future.

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Introduction ~ About Us, Who We Are: Episode 1

How-To Be Saved: Episode 2

“End Times” and “Benediction” A “Barking Squirrel Production” Copyright: 2018 ~ All Rights Reserved

Tribulation Summer Study: 2023-0703 Episode: 29 Copyright: 2023

TAGS: #Gospel #Christ #New-birth #Joy #Holiness

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#28 – “Tribulation: The Goal of Your Faith ~ Part-2”

Episode Notes

People I have met in my lifetime never seem to be filled with great joy while suffering various trials, even if for a short time as we perceive it to be today, in the now. However, the short time referred to here is…

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Introduction ~ About Us, Who We Are: Episode 1

How-To Be Saved: Episode 2

“End Times” and “Benediction” A “Barking Squirrel Production” Copyright: 2018 ~ All Rights Reserved

Tribulation Summer Study: 2023-0702 Episode: 28 Copyright: 2023

TAGS: #Gospel #Christ #New-birth #Joy #Holiness

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#27 – “Tribulation: The Goal of Your Faith ~ Part-1”

Episode Notes

[6] For I am sure of this very thing, that the one who began a good work in you will perfect it until the day of Christ Jesus. (FROM: Philippians 1:6) That work of perfection is wrought through the temptations, trials and tribulations we are subject to in our daily lives. This word phrase, “For I am sure of this very thing…” tells us…

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Introduction ~ About Us, Who We Are: Episode 1

How-To Be Saved: Episode 2

“End Times” and “Benediction” A “Barking Squirrel Production” Copyright: 2018 ~ All Rights Reserved

Tribulation Summer Study: 2023-0701 Episode: 27 Copyright: 2023

TAGS: #Gospel #Christ #New-birth #Joy #Holiness

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#26 – “Tribulation: Such as is Common to Man? ~ Part-2”

Episode Notes

“The great and special sin which St. Paul was in danger of, by the abundance of revelations, namely, the sin of spiritual pride. Spiritual pride is so dangerous a sin, that it is a mercy to be freed from it, even by bodily pain: God sees our danger when we see not our own, and will hurt the body, to save the soul of his dearest children.” (FROM: Expository Notes with Practical Observations on the New Testament by William Burkitt)

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Introduction ~ About Us, Who We Are: Episode 1

How-To Be Saved: Episode 2

“End Times” and “Benediction” A “Barking Squirrel Production” Copyright: 2018 ~ All Rights Reserved

Tribulation Summer Study: 2023-0604 Episode: 26 Copyright: 2023

TAGS: #Gospel #Christ #New-birth #Joy #Holiness

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#25 – “Tribulation: Such as is Common to Man? ~ Part-1”

Episode Notes

Many people, over the years that I have seen saved in Christ, have read this portion of that verse, “…but will with the temptation also make the way of escape…”. Many teach that in our temptation that based on this verse segment, a person will have a way of escape from a temptation. Yet, no one knows what that escape is. That escape has no definition, no explanation. Therefore, my question is, just what does that verse segment mean?

Please visit our Outreach Web site! ~ Home Page.

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Introduction ~ About Us, Who We Are: Episode 1

How-To Be Saved: Episode 2

“End Times” and “Benediction” A “Barking Squirrel Production” Copyright: 2018 ~ All Rights Reserved

Tribulation Summer Study: 2023-0603 Episode: 25 Copyright: 2023

TAGS: #Gospel #Christ #New-birth #Joy #Holiness

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#24 – “Tribulation: What is it? ~ Part-2”

Episode Notes

We can suffer things in this life with great inexpectancy! One can go to work only to learn, upon arrival, they no longer have a job for any of many reasons. Driving somewhere, one can be involved in an automobile accident. Then, troubles can ensue with the insurance company or other involved person or people. In such cases and others like them, we can find ourselves in a very difficult place when enduring temptation.

Please visit our Outreach Web site! ~ Home Page.

Find us on Cawfee Club Social Media here: Simply use this link to go to our home page. Log-In not required.

Introduction ~ About Us, Who We Are: Episode 1

How-To Be Saved: Episode 2

“End Times” and “Benediction” A “Barking Squirrel Production” Copyright: 2018 ~ All Rights Reserved

Tribulation Summer Study: 2023-0602 Episode: 24 Copyright: 2023

TAGS: #Gospel #Christ #New-birth #Joy #Holiness

This podcast is powered by Pinecast.

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#23 – “Tribulation: What is it? ~ Part-1”

Episode Notes

In 1828 Noah Webster defined trial. "Suffering that puts strength, patience of faith to the test; afflictions or temptations that exercise and prove the graces or virtues of men.". He also defined tribulation. "Severe affliction; distresses of life; vexations. In Scripture, it often denotes the troubles and distresses which proceed from persecution.". One really is different from the other. In this episode, we will learn why.

Please visit our Outreach Web site! ~ Home Page.

Find us on Cawfee Club Social Media here: Simply use this link to go to our home page. Log-In not required.

Introduction ~ About Us, Who We Are: Episode 1

How-To Be Saved: Episode 2

“End Times” and “Benediction” A “Barking Squirrel Production” Copyright: 2018 ~ All Rights Reserved

Tribulation Summer Study: 2023-0601 Episode: 23 Copyright: 2023

TAGS: #Gospel #Christ #New-birth #Joy #Holiness

This podcast is powered by Pinecast.

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