The Church of the Un-Churched

#42 – “An Eternal Weight of Glory ~ Part-3”

Episode Notes

We learned from Barnes’ New Testament Notes. . . You are comparatively safe; are freed from this exposure to death; and will receive eternal life as the fruit of our toils and exposures.

This should remind you of our previous episode that spoke of how we do not suffer the full exposure of sin’s results in our lives. That being the way of escape. Remember? This week we dig deeper.

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Introduction ~ About Us, Who We Are: Episode 1

How-To Be Saved: Episode 2

“End Times” and “Benediction” A “Barking Squirrel Production” Copyright: 2018 ~ All Rights Reserved

An Eternal Weight of Glory Study: 2023-1003 Episode: 42 Copyright: 2023

TAGS: #Gospel #Christ #New-birth #Joy #Holiness

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#41 – “An Eternal Weight of Glory ~ Part-2”

Episode Notes

Note, “God is faithful, who will not allow you to be tempted above what you are able… COMMA”. Therefore, God knows how severely each of us can be tempted. This comment also says, as a result of God’s knowledge of us individually that, “…with the temptation also [ He ] makes the way of escape…”. What did our commentary passage tell us?

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Introduction ~ About Us, Who We Are: Episode 1

How-To Be Saved: Episode 2

“End Times” and “Benediction” A “Barking Squirrel Production” Copyright: 2018 ~ All Rights Reserved

An Eternal Weight of Glory Study: 2023-1002 Episode: 41 Copyright: 2023

TAGS: #Gospel #Christ #New-birth #Joy #Holiness

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#40 – “An Eternal Weight of Glory ~ Part-1”

Episode Notes

The treasure is hidden in a field. The merchant searches for fine pearls. The net was cast into the sea that caught all kinds of fish.

All three of these analogies are correct for describing the Kingdom of Heaven. I hope these three parables, analogies, from our examination give us a bigger description, in total, of what heaven is like.

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Introduction ~ About Us, Who We Are: Episode 1

How-To Be Saved: Episode 2

“End Times” and “Benediction” A “Barking Squirrel Production” Copyright: 2018 ~ All Rights Reserved

An Eternal Weight of Glory Study: 2023-1001 Episode: 40 Copyright: 2023

TAGS: #Gospel #Christ #New-birth #Joy #Holiness

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#39 – “Tribulation: In Summary ~ Part-2”

Episode Notes

This week we continue our review of our Summer Series, "Tribulation" and its various aspects that may have never been considered before. This subject is very important because many people shun trails and tribulations. Yet, trials and tribulations in this life are promised to us. That promise is in your Bible.

Length: 0:43:31

Please visit our Outreach Web site! ~ Home Page.

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Introduction ~ About Us, Who We Are: Episode 1

How-To Be Saved: Episode 2

“End Times” and “Benediction” A “Barking Squirrel Production” Copyright: 2018 ~ All Rights Reserved

Tribulation Summer Study: 2023-0904 Episode: 39 Copyright: 2023

TAGS: #Gospel #Christ #New-birth #Joy #Holiness

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#38 – “Tribulation: In Summary ~ Part-1”

Episode Notes

This subject is very important because many people shun trails and tribulations. Yet, trials and tribulations in this life are promised to us. That promise is in your Bible.

Please visit our Outreach Web site! ~ Home Page.

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Introduction ~ About Us, Who We Are: Episode 1

How-To Be Saved: Episode 2

“End Times” and “Benediction” A “Barking Squirrel Production” Copyright: 2018 ~ All Rights Reserved

Tribulation Summer Study: 2023-0903 Episode: 39 Copyright: 2023

TAGS: #Gospel #Christ #New-birth #Joy #Holiness

This podcast is powered by Pinecast.

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#37 – “Tribulation: Count it all Joy, When You Meet Trials of Various Kinds ~ Part-3”

Episode Notes

Note, murmurings, complaining, or rebellion are not the good infulences of faith prooven. These attitudes expressed obstruct the fair influences on the soul. These attitudes are not of patience. Remember that better patience is our goal.

Please visit our Outreach Web site! ~ Home Page.

Find us on Cawfee Club Social Media here: Simply use this link to go to our home page. Log-In not required.

Introduction ~ About Us, Who We Are: Episode 1

How-To Be Saved: Episode 2

“End Times” and “Benediction” A “Barking Squirrel Production” Copyright: 2018 ~ All Rights Reserved

Tribulation Summer Study: 2023-0902 Episode: 37 Copyright: 2023

TAGS: #Gospel #Christ #New-birth #Joy #Holiness

This podcast is powered by Pinecast.

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#36 – “Tribulation: Count it all Joy, When You Meet Trials of Various Kinds ~ Part-2”

Episode Notes

The fruit of the trail is one’s patience. Our patience is found in our testing to prove it. To prove that it is as we believe it is or that it still needs work. Now, notice what makes this struggle worth it! “…the grace of patience is worth the trial which…”.

Please visit our Outreach Web site! ~ Home Page.

Find us on Cawfee Club Social Media here: Simply use this link to go to our home page. Log-In not required.

Introduction ~ About Us, Who We Are: Episode 1

How-To Be Saved: Episode 2

“End Times” and “Benediction” A “Barking Squirrel Production” Copyright: 2018 ~ All Rights Reserved

Tribulation Summer Study: 2023-0901 Episode: 36 Copyright: 2023

TAGS: #Gospel #Christ #New-birth #Joy #Holiness

This podcast is powered by Pinecast.

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#35 – “Tribulation: Count it all Joy, When You Meet Trials of Various Kinds ~ Part-1”

Episode Notes

Barnes’ New Testament Notes told us, “Regard it as a thing to rejoice in; a matter which should afford you happiness. You are not to consider it as a punishment, a curse, or a calamity, but as a fit subject of felicitation.”. The reason we should be able to rejoice in our hard times, trials, is because we, “…are not to consider it as a punishment, a curse, or a calamity…”.

Please visit our Outreach Web site! ~ Home Page.

Find us on Cawfee Club Social Media here: Simply use this link to go to our home page. Log-In not required.

Introduction ~ About Us, Who We Are: Episode 1

How-To Be Saved: Episode 2

“End Times” and “Benediction” A “Barking Squirrel Production” Copyright: 2018 ~ All Rights Reserved

Tribulation Summer Study: 2023-0804 Episode: 35 Copyright: 2023

TAGS: #Gospel #Christ #New-birth #Joy #Holiness

This podcast is powered by Pinecast.

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#34 – “Tribulation: When Trouble or Persecution Comes, Immediately They Fall Away”

Episode Notes

“The Parable of the Sower” was just spoken by Jesus. Now, He is explaining it to His listeners. They seem to be ignorant of its truth and just what it is telling those that Jesus is presently caring for by teaching them things by parables that they presently do not know.

Please visit our Outreach Web site! ~ Home Page.

Find us on Cawfee Club Social Media here: Simply use this link to go to our home page. Log-In not required.

Introduction ~ About Us, Who We Are: Episode 1

How-To Be Saved: Episode 2

“End Times” and “Benediction” A “Barking Squirrel Production” Copyright: 2018 ~ All Rights Reserved

Tribulation Summer Study: 2023-0803 Episode: 34 Copyright: 2023

TAGS: #Gospel #Christ #New-birth #Joy #Holiness

This podcast is powered by Pinecast.

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#33 – “Tribulation: Be Patient in Your Tribulation”

Episode Notes

Romans 12:12 says, "rejoicing in hope, patient in tribulation, constant in prayer,". By patience, we possess ourselves; by hope, we possess God; by prayer, we are enabled unto both.”. (FROM: Expository Notes with Practical Observations on the New Testament by William Burkitt) Hope, patience and prayer are three pillars, powerful supports under A – L – L afflictions. No man … No woman … cannot extinguish our hope!

Please visit our Outreach Web site! ~ Home Page.

Find us on Cawfee Club Social Media here: Simply use this link to go to our home page. Log-In not required.

Introduction ~ About Us, Who We Are: Episode 1

How-To Be Saved: Episode 2

“End Times” and “Benediction” A “Barking Squirrel Production” Copyright: 2018 ~ All Rights Reserved

Tribulation Summer Study: 2023-0802 Episode: 33 Copyright: 2023

TAGS: #Gospel #Christ #New-birth #Joy #Holiness

This podcast is powered by Pinecast.

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